The International Students and Scholars office and Education Abroad office are in their new location in the Student Services Building, 2nd Floor.

Group of student leaders on UCR campus

New International Students Frequently Asked Questions


The list below is a brief collection of the most frequently asked questions related to new student I-20s. If you have any other questions, please contact us by phone or email.

International Affairs Main Office: +1 (951) 827-4113

International Students:


New Student I-20 Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I apply for the I-20?

    To receive your I-20, please submit the I-20 application form electronically and attach your financial proof and passport copy. The link to this form is sent to you in an email from Admissions. The link is unique to each student and will pre-fill some of your personal information into the form, but please double-check all information. Do not email any of these documents unless requested.

  • Do I need to submit my SIR to get an I-20?

    No, you can complete the I-20 application form and attach all documents even before you are admitted. Once you are admitted to UCR, we can issue you the I-20. You do not need to wait until you submit the SIR.

  • I am currently an F-1 student at another school and I would like to transfer, what should I do?

    You will need to have the International Student Advisor (DSO) at your current school transfer your SEVIS record to UCR after you have finished your term. They will need the school code for UCR main campus which is LOS214F00177000. Please see the SEVIS transfer graphic for more information.

  • What is a SEVIS release date?

    A SEVIS release date is the day your record is transferred from one school to the other (in this case, UCR). You must speak with your current international Student Advisor (DSO) to initiate the transfer process and decided the transfer date – it is not automatic. Please see the SEVIS transfer graphic for more information.

  • Do you require a transfer-in form signed by my current school?

    No, UCR does not require a transfer-in form from your current school. Just make sure your International Student Advisor (DSO) has the UCR main campus school code which is LOS214F00177000 so they can transfer your record.

  • I am currently in a different visa status but I would like to attend UCR as an F-1 student. How do I do this?

    If you want to change your immigration status, there are a couple ways to do it. Please call and schedule an appointment to speak with one of our international student advisors to determine the way that is best for your situation and what documents you will need. Our office number is +1-951-827-4113. Keep in mind that some visa statuses do not permit full-time study, and some dependent visa statuses may have an age limit.

  • Why do you need an international address in my home country?

    An international address in your home country is a required field for your I-20. Since F-1 status is non-immigrant (meaning you intend to return home after studies), you will need to show that you have a residence to return home to. This can be a parent or family member’s home.

  • What are the requirements for the bank statement?

    UCR’s financial requirements are stated below:

    1. Funds are liquid and could be cashed out immediately [checking account, savings account, short term deposit]
    2. Recently issued [dated], preferably within the last 3 months
    3. Official statement or bank letter including account type, bank name and branch [PDF-generated is ok, but no screenshots]
    4. Key information is translated to English
    5. Includes account holder’s name [in English]
    6. States the current amount of money available [not average balance] and currency type

    However, make sure you check with the Embassy before your visa interview – they may have stricter financial requirements.

  • How "recent" should my bank statement be?

    We do not have a specific length of time or range for accepting financial documents. It’s recommended to have documents issued within 3 months, but we will accept documents past that. However, make sure you check with the Embassy before your visa interview – they may have stricter requirements.

  • What does individual sponsor mean?

    Your financial sponsor can be a family member or friend. They can be a US citizen, in the US in another visa status, or back in your home country. However, they cannot be in F1 or J1 status.

  • Do I need to show finances to receive my I-20?

    Yes, the regulations require you to show proof of finances for at least one academic year before we can issue the I-20. If you cannot show financial proof, unfortunately we can’t give you an I-20.

  • Can my finances be from inside the US or from a foreign bank?

    We will accept finances from a US bank or from a foreign bank. As long as the key information is in English (account holder name, date, account type, amount, and currency type), then we can accept the document.

  • How can I receive my I-20?

    Detailed instructions for getting your I-20 can be found on the New International Students page

  • Where should I send my transcripts?

    Please send all transcripts to the Admissions Office. Do not send them to the International Affairs office.


Further Questions?  Contact Us


International Affairs Main Office: +1-951-827-4113


International Students:
International Scholars:
Education Abroad:     
International Affairs Main:

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